
Knitting: Easier Than You Might Think

Why Should You Consider Riding a Hobby Horse Into the Sunset?

Sometimes, a new craze comes along that takes the world by storm, even though it is by any definition unusual. One such craze is "hobby horsing," a movement that seems to have originated in Finland, where it is particularly popular among teenage girls. If you've just heard of this and noticed that it is now hitting Australian shores, what exactly is involved and why should you be ready to mount up?


To break it down to its essence, hobby horsing is a group activity where participants "ride" on top of stick horses that have a makeshift head made from felt and other materials. As they do so, they perform tricky equestrian moves and often come together for formal events. In fact, it's not unusual for thousands of people to gather in Finland to watch these youngsters participate and while there is certainly an element of make-believe involved here, you wouldn't think so if you watched these kids in action.

Sense of Imagination

Horse riding is, of course, a dream of many a young girl and, in many respects, hobby horsing is the next best thing. They can use their fertile imagination to put their makeshift horse through the same manoeuvres as they would in an equestrian meet. This activity can also encourage a sense of involvement, competition and belonging, all of which are considered to be a fundamental attraction of the craze.

What's Involved

Many people think that community involvement is the most important attraction, especially in a world where tolerance is sometimes difficult to find.

The individuals have fun making the horses in the beginning, as they create an individual personality and even a name along the way. They find great pleasure in sharing their stories and talking with other hobbyists to learn how they, in turn, put together their masterpiece.

A Great Alternative

Of course, the "real" world of equestrianism is often a stretch for youngsters and their families and takes quite a bit of money to break into. This hobby, on the other hand, is being seen by many youngsters as the next best thing and this undoubtedly explains why these competitions are becoming much larger and more numerous.

Taking a Closer Look

It didn't take long for hobby horsing to arrive in Australia, and you should look into this pastime, which is primarily dominated by preteen and adolescent girls. It's undoubtedly a new way to play and can be engaged alone or with a group of friends.

For those who simply can't afford the expense of riding lessons or may not be able to work with real horses due to their allergies, it's a refreshing alternative. For more information, contact your local Hobby Horsing Club.

About Me

Knitting: Easier Than You Might Think

I tried to knit a few times before I really picked up the habit. It never felt right, like my fingers weren’t cut out for the job. But then I thought it might make sense to actually learn how to do it properly! I was amazed at how simple and soothing it can be, and while anyone can go into a shop and buy a scarf or jumper, there’s something amazing about a handmade gift, especially one made with love. You’re about to find out how easy it can be, and before too long you’ll be a one person knitting factory.



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