
Knitting: Easier Than You Might Think

What Day Care Centres Should Know When Buying Wooden Toys in Bulk

A daycare centre requires different toys to meet the diverse needs and preferences of children. With a wide variety of toys available, daycare administrators find it challenging to make the right choice. Noteworthy, toys should be durable, affordable, and safe for kids. Wooden toys are often overlooked at the expense of plastic toys because of misinformation. However, when buying toys in bulk, daycare facilities should consider wooden toys because they are eco-friendly, safe, and cheap. Here is what daycare centres should know when buying wooden toys in bulk.

Consider Eco-Friendly Toy Brands — If you plan to buy wooden toys in bulk, you should at least think about eco-friendly brands. It is common to find wooden toy brands that seem to be eco-friendly, but they are not — a phenomenon called greenwashing. An eco-friendly toy company ensures that the environment is protected throughout its product's supply chain, including sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, and transportation. Remember that cutting down some wood types to create toys can be destructive compared to other tree species. Find out the type of wood used to produce toys or ensure that the wood is sourced from sustainably managed forests. The reason is that illegal logging to make wooden products, such as toys, contributes to environmental challenges, such as loss of biodiversity and climate change.

Durability and Longevity — When it comes to playing with toys, children are not exactly gentle with them. The problem with most plastic toys is that they break easily or deform under pressure. Wooden toys are highly durable and do not break into sharp pieces. Also, wooden toys can be repainted and refinished to look almost new, which increases their lifespan. Therefore, a daycare centre can use wooden toys for many years before thinking about replacing them.

Cost — Although the upfront cost of buying wooden toys is higher than plastic toys, the long-term cost-savings are enormous. You can pass down and reuse wooden toys for years, saving you a considerable chunk of money. Therefore, wooden toys are relatively cheaper in the long-run compared to other toy materials such as plastic.

Safety — Since children spend most of their time playing with toys, daycare centres should prioritise safety. Wooden toys do not have toxins and chemicals, which are a health hazard to children. Besides, since toys are likely to be shared among children, you want toys that cannot transfer harmful chemicals, especially when they contact the skin. Therefore, wooden toys sourced from eco-friendly brands are significantly safe.

For more information, contact a wholesale wooden toys supplier.

About Me

Knitting: Easier Than You Might Think

I tried to knit a few times before I really picked up the habit. It never felt right, like my fingers weren’t cut out for the job. But then I thought it might make sense to actually learn how to do it properly! I was amazed at how simple and soothing it can be, and while anyone can go into a shop and buy a scarf or jumper, there’s something amazing about a handmade gift, especially one made with love. You’re about to find out how easy it can be, and before too long you’ll be a one person knitting factory.



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